I am in the 2nd year of my marriage
life in the early thirties and I am in so good health that
I have never visited previously any clinic for a medical treatment.
However I found a problem after marriage. I have no problem
with an erection just except when I drink alcohol. I, discontent
with my small symbol, would have an erection failure when
I got drunk.
I was married by an arrangement, have no knowledge about
sex and just a few sexual experiences before marriage. But
as far as know, I thought the alcohol drive men to be more
exited about sex. My job required me to drink an alcohol with
my customers almost everyday, and my wife doubted that I was
having a love affair with other woman which led us to frequent
fight with each other. I did not know how to make her know
it was not true. I told this problem to my colleague who was
similar in age with me and marriage earlier. He told me to
visit First Urology Clinic for getting a counsel. He was told
one of his acquaintances visited the Clinic for the problems
occurred in a married life. After the counsel and following
operation, They brought their relationship beck to normal
without much trouble.
As he said, the clinic was well-decorated and furnished and
the workers in the clinic were kind and trustful. I was impressed
by the book written by Mr. Kim which I read in the waiting
room. After the medical examination, He told me that my symptoms
are not special but normal which was also shown to other patients,
and The erection matter can be overcome by the relevant control
of my drinking habits and some moderate exercise, but the
serious dwarf complex is a real concern mainly caused by the
metal factors, which made me decide to take the operation.
The results were great. The mental problems due to my small
penis was vanished and the erection functions are improved
considerably. Now I do not get drunk much for my normal sexual
function. In compliance with advice by Mr. Kim, I am trying
to keep myself from having sex with my wife after drinking
for a healthy child.